August 2019 Newsletter

august-2019Commander here. And it is HOT! EVERYWHERE!

“ Look at this Crooket. The US President said Windmills cause Cancer but am I glad that at lease psychologically they are blowing the wind around. Do you know this was the hottest June/July ever recorded around the world? Read more …

July 2019 Newsletter

CommanderCommander here to report. Humans… for some reason… assume with the start of the New Year their life will change and when this fails for the most part, July 1st is another date when everything changes because it is the beginning of fiscal year.

HA HA like always it is an elusion. The American President must have had such unreachable daydreams when he ran into his own Brick Wall and several Supreme Court rulings along with lower court decisions stopped him from implementing some of his ideas. Read more …

June 2019 Newsletter


Commander here, trying to come to you from a surreal place. The place meets the description but there is nothing surreal about me these days, after all it is May and what a month it was. 2019 is almost half way over, really need to replenish my air-supply and take a deep breath of there just won’t be any left to exhale.
586 Tornadoes and counting.
Half of US is under water, just as Hopi prophecy predicted.
US is in a war of words and just look at the NW activity.
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May 2019 Newsletter

may-2019Commander here reporting from Old Highway 99. Yes it’s been that kind of a month.
Not sure what to call it, turbulent, all over the place, insane or oh well, this is our new
normal. More and more the country is dividing and grouping off so I am happy I have at
least one of MY KIND to kick it with and try to make sense out of the behavior of
mankind. Read more …

April 2019 Newsletter


As requested Commander checking in. Almost sounds formal, it is not intended to be I came to cheer you up and try to sort out the crazy time period which was MARCH 2019. The whole planet was on the move. Mercury retrograde bothered many which can present a problem if one does not acknowledge an event like that. There were Supermoons, MAJOR SUNFLARES, changes in the magnetic field and major weather events of which ALL effected the Planet and man and beast dwelling upon it. Before I take it global let me try to put things into a more local setting. Read more …

March 2019 Newsletter

March 2019 Newsletter

Commander here. Just hanging around trying to make sense out of the last 28 days.
Nothing conventional about any of it. Been hanging around Lilian for 20 plus years and
she was as “DINGY” as the rest of the world. For one thing I remember BLACK
HISTORY MONTH past. It was always full of festivities. She would get dressed up
attending lectures, plays, dinners and give classes to educate or refresh peoples
memories what the month of February brought forward in reference to historical fact so
often overlooked by the newer generations. Not sure if it was the political temperature
or the horrendous weather conditions around the country which prevented …willfully or
circumstantial… that BHM just slipped away. Almost ALL of America was blanketed in
snow white in a literal sense. Read more …

February 2019 Newsletter

february-2019-2Commander just hanging around to get an overview as to the Going On’s and there are quiet a few! Not all together true, the reason for the hanging part, but I feel like Lilian when she has a back ache, not comfortable anywhere, just want to hang from the ceiling.

She is sitting in her chair just chatting away with her Niece, she is surrounded by the most wonderful people. Melani reports:

Searching for a new direction. Yesterday I volunteer for the (PIT) point in time count of
homeless people. I walked into the Providence community care clinic and I saw a young
lady that struggles but amazing. She ask if she could hug me. She is not homeless
anymore but love to hangout and encourage. I looked up and there were so many people
in different places of their lives. Then I saw 3 young men in front of a 3 sinks watching
their arm pits. I just started crying.  Read more …

January 2019 Newsletter

CommanderCOMMANDER here! I came to Lilian Via SANI ZETO. Sani and Lilian were fellow writers for the STAR BEACON in the early 90’s.

Sani heard that Lilian was surrounded by Aliens most of her life, so when she came to visit, in order to do a Visit with a Person of High Strangeness Show, she brought along, as a gift,a couple of the dolls she made.

So. I have been hanging out in Olympia, at Lilian’s for 20 years. They called me COMMANDER.

Read more …

December 2018 Newsletter

Animals in a front of mountains

Mr McKrekor here. Consuela left a note for us. How thoughtful not to forget us while
she is taking a nap. It is a bit early for Happy New Year, but I am glad she thought we
would miss her, yes and miss her we do! Bet she is dreaming of Summer, only 5 month
to wait, more or less and then we will complain about the heat again. Read more …