About Me

lilian-aboutI came to the U.S. in 1966.I have resided in Olympia, Washington most of that time. Once I worked as a CLM, later became a S.H.E.S. Minister. I hold an HDR. I am a UFO and Crop Circle Researcher, Speaker and Psychic. My life took many turns until I found my true SELF at the age of 50, at which time I started my path as a Psychic and Storyteller. After my first book was published in 1997 the TV Show, ‘A Visit With a Person of High Strangeness’ was born and has continued to present. I am a Great Grandmother to my MULTI-CULTURAL Family and have an open-minded ear for everyone. I am NOT always right but try my best to pass on the knowledge I have accumulated over a very busy lifetime. My Facebook Lilian Mustelier serves as a blog and I am hoping I will be able to accomplish the same with this web site. It is my intent to make people think. The YouTube channel psygeria hosts over 200 of my shows and then there is twitter psygeria with incoming news from around the world.

Feel free to submit articles and Ideas to me. I won’t promise to post all of them but am eager to learn and pass on knowledge from around the world. I can be reached per phone at 360.923.9594 from 2PM PST-4AM PST. I choose not to have an answering machine so please talk to me in person.

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